Legacy Society
Including Denver JDS with a gift in your will, trust, retirement account, or life insurance policy is a lasting show of support.
When you include Denver JDS with a planned gift, you add to the school’s legacy. Help us grow our endowment and give future generations the opportunity to experience a pluralistic Jewish education.
In addition to personal satisfaction, legacy gifts offer major planning opportunities to minimize federal and state taxes — increasing the possibilities for effective distribution of assets. A gift planned through one's will is perhaps the best known and most widely understood planned gift arrangement. An unrestricted bequest is especially appreciated as it can be put to immediate use wherever the school's needs are greatest.
To become a member of our Legacy Society, download the Declaration of Commitment form, and you can also dowload and fill out the Legacy Gift Confirmation Form. You can also download our Families & Money form to help keep track of your important financial legal documents.
To learn more, contact our Director of Development Samantha Raizen Walsh at (720) 449-9503 or swalsh@denverjds.org.
When you're ready to make a beneficiary gift to Denver JDS, please inform your legal or financial advisor that the school’s legal name is Denver Jewish Day School, 2450 S. Wabash St., Denver, CO 80231. Our EIN number is 84-1476467.Build Your Jewish Legacy, Live On and become a Denver JDS Legacy Society Member
Denver JDS is a participating agency in Live On/Build Your Legacy, an initiative of Rose Community Foundation and the Grinspoon Foundation. As such, the school is eligible for additional grant money when new donors join the society and/or existing members provide additional details about their bequests.
To become a Legacy Society member, download and complete the Declaration of Commitment form to help Denver JDS qualify for incentive grants.
Legacy Donations
Contribute to Denver Jewish Day School’s future by planning for a special gift, such as a bequest in your will, life insurance, or more. There are many creative and flexible planned giving options that can benefit you and our organization.