IRA Rollover (Qualified Charitable Distribution)


If you are 70 1/2 or older, you can make a Tax-Smart Gift to Support Denver Jewish Day School with a "rollover" gift from your IRA directly to Denver JDS


Your Benefits

  • Support Denver JDS's mission of educating Jewish youth. Use the funds to make a new gift to Denver JDS, fulfill a pledge, or make your Annual Giving Gift.

  • Satisfy your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD). If you have not already satisfied your RMD, you can satisfy all or part of that requirement and make a gift to Denver JDS at the same time.

  • Save on taxes. The funds you donate are not recognized as income for federal income tax purposes. You can enjoy tax benefits and still support Denver JDS, even if you do not itemize your deductions.


Click here for our most recent postcard about IRA rollovers.


Here's how to get things rolling

Contact your IRA custodian to obtain the appropriate form to make an IRA charitable rollover. The form may refer to the rollover by its technical name, “qualified charitable distribution,” or QCD. 

On the form, specify the amount to be transferred to Denver JDS, identify Denver JDS by its full legal name, Denver Jewish Day School, and include Denver JDS’s tax ID no. 84-1476467. 

The IRA plan custodian should make the check payable to Denver JDS, OR if you have check writing ability on your IRA account, you can make the check out to Denver JDS and mail it to: 

Denver Jewish Day School
Attn: Samantha Walsh , Dir. of Development
2450 South Wabash Street
Denver, CO  80231

Please instruct the IRA plan custodian to reference your name and address on the check; otherwise, it may be difficult to identify that you are the donor when the check arrives.
If the IRA plan custodian makes the check payable to Denver JDS but mails the check to you, please mail the check with a note saying these funds came from your IRA and send to Denver JDS at the address above.

For any questions, please contact Samantha Raizen Walsh, Director of Development, 303-638-6337,