Community Life

May the entire world be one society.
— Genesis Rabbah

A close-knit community sets Denver Jewish Day School apart.

You’ll find a sense of community here like none other. Classmates often refer to one another as one big family, or mishpachah. Parents frequently forge life-long friendships here. From personal greetings in the hallways to celebrations of success, gatherings of support, and both formal and informal parent get-togethers by grade or interest, the Denver JDS community is a powerful one.

We are all part of one community, and we unite in our respect for each other and our responsibility to each member of that community.

Denver JDS is a pluralistic, diverse, and inclusive community, meaning that all individuals are valued and supported in every aspect of our school community. We respect and protect the dignity and worth of all of members without regard to race, color or national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, family composition, economic status, age, learning style, or physical ability.

Pluralism at Denver JDS means being rooted in one's own identity while seeking out multiple perspectives in order to clarify, refine, and challenge ideas and interacting with appreciation for those who think and act differently as we unite in our shared values as a Jewish community.

Each one of our students, parents, faculty, and staff brings to our community a unique perspective, background, and set of experiences, and we are the richer for it. This enhances the quality of our students’ education and prepares our children for citizenship in an increasingly pluralistic society.

Who’s in our community?

We are teachers, administrators, staff members, parents, family members, friends, and supporters. We are the students who work together to explore and solve problems. We're a vibrant, joyful, diverse, and pioneering Jewish learning community, and we hope you will come learn and grow with us.